
Welcome to Mr. Kail's AP Government Class blog for 2012/2013!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Class Rules

Class Rules

A.P. Government- Mr. Kail

Welcome to Mr. Kail’s class.  I am excited for this year and look forward to being you’re A.P. Government teacher.  As your teacher I am here for you.  My goal is to help you too succeed in both this class and throughout your high school experience.

In order to have a successful year I need to ensure that our classroom is safe, and our time together is orderly.  I only have five simple rules that must be followed at all times in my classroom.  These rules are present to help you succeed in your class this year.

5 rules to be followed at all times in room 420

  1. Be in class on time with your materials (pen, paper, folder, etc…)
  2. No food, drinks, head phones, or cell phones in the classroom.
  3. Raise your hand if you wish to speak or leave the classroom.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  5. No cursing, or disrespecting other students or Mr. Kail

 Positive Consequences

If you consistently follow class rules or do anything exceptionally well you will receive a Kail dollar.  Return a Kail dollar and I will boost up any quiz grade 5 percentage points.  Kail dollars can also be used to buy pens and paper if you come to class unprepared.

Negative Consequences

  1. If you come to class late or unprepared three times in a marking period without a pass you will lose a percentage point off your final grade. 
  2. Break any rule and you will receive a warning.  If I have to warn you of your disruptive behavior more than twice you will receive a 30 minute detention.  If one does not show up for one’s detention he or she will receive a call home and a pink slip will be written up.
  3. Any severe disruptive behavior will result in being sent down to room 111 and a call home.

Class Grading System

Daily Warm Ups- 10% of your final grade.  Warm ups will be collected in your notebooks each Friday.

Quizzes - 35% of your final grade.  Every other Friday there will be weekly chapter quizzes. 

Homework – 10% of your final grade.  Homework will be collected in your notebooks each Friday. 

Class Work/ Notes- 25% of your final grade.  Worksheets will be collected after completion and notes will be collected in your notebooks each Friday.

 Participation – 10% of your final grade.  Use of headphones in class will result in a loss of 1% of this grade.

 Final – 10% of your final grade.

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